Home > Notifications > Declaration of the Results of Bye-Election to Nanong_Shumar Demkhong of Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag, 2013

Declaration of the Results of Bye-Election to Nanong_Shumar Demkhong of Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag, 2013

The Election Commission of Bhutan under Section 457 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, hereby notifies the general public that Dechen Zangmo of Druk Phuensum Tshogpa Party has been elected as the Representative from Nanong_Shumar National Assembly Demkhong under Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag at the Polls held on 9th of November 2013.


The Overall Voter Turnout was 35.2% with a total of 2,913 Voters, out of the total of 8,278 Registered Voters casting their votes. Of the total votes cast, 2,632 votes were cast in person on the Electronic Voting Machines in the 17 polling stations and 281 votes through Postal Ballots. Further details of the Final Results are available on the Election Commission’s web page: www.election-bhutan.org.bt/2013/NAByeElection


The two Candidates who participated in the Bye-Election are reminded to file the Returns of Election Expenses to the Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Electoral Office or to the Public Election Fund Division in the Election Commission Head Office within thirty days of the declaration of the Results in the Public Election Fund Form No. 7D i.e. not later than 5PM of 10th of December 2013.


The general public and all stakeholders may note that the Election Petition Period of Ten working days for this Bye-Election starts from today and would end at 5.00 p.m. of 25th of November 2013.



Issued on the Eighth Day of the Tenth Month of the Water Female Snake Year corresponding to 10th of November 2013.

By Order,                                                                        


(Kunzang Wangdi)

Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan


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