Home > News Release > Seminars for Aspiring Nationals Council Candidates for Third Parliamentary Elections 2018

Seminars for Aspiring Nationals Council Candidates for Third Parliamentary Elections 2018

The Election Commission of Bhutan conducted Seminars for aspiring National Council Candidates on 10th and 11th of October 2017 at Terma Linca, Thimphu.

The two days Seminar provided opportunities to engage in open deliberation with the aspiring candidates and disseminate information on the key legal framework and other necessary required documents to participate as candidates in the National Council Elections, 2018. Those who could not attend the Seminar but wish to receive relevant information are encouraged to visit the nearest Dzongkhag Election Office or the ECB Head Office in Kawangjangsa, Thimphu.





Out of the total 142, registered for the Seminars, 53 aspiring candidates attended the seminar on 10th of October 2017 and 69 attended on 11th of October 2017.

In particular, the participants were briefed on various stages in the election period, the documents required for the filing nomination; election campaigning elements of elections; selection procedure (Dhamngoe Zomdu), Common Forum, Public Debate, Social Media, Campaign Finance, accounting and expenditure reporting, Election Returns; the Election Dispute System and the Poll day procedures.

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Election Commission of Bhutan

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