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Salang Tendrel


Her Majesty Gyaltshun Jetsun Pema graced the salang tendrel for the ECB head
office building, the Democracy House in Kawang Jangsa on 22 nd January 2014
as the Chief Guest. The prayer ceremony was presided over by His Holiness
Gyalse Trulku Rinpoche.
Having been delayed since 2011, the Democracy House will be constructed at a
cost of Nu. 128 million, sponsored entirely by the Government of India. The
construction is expected to be completed by December 2015. The construction
of the Democracy House is vital to the institutional strengthening of the ECB
and towards ensuring that it is able to always fulfill its mandate of free and fair
elections, a vital aspect of our democracy.
The ground breaking ceremony was attended by senior officials from the
ministries and agencies and by representatives of the Embassy of India, the
UNDP, the SDC, the registered political parties and a few NGOs, and by the
officials of the ECB from the head office and the nearby Dzongkhags.
Media Unit

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