Home > News Release > Release of the Draft Electoral Roll of the Thimphu, Phuentshogling and Gelegphu Thromdes for Claims and Objections

Release of the Draft Electoral Roll of the Thimphu, Phuentshogling and Gelegphu Thromdes for Claims and Objections

The Election Commission of Bhutan is pleased to release vide Notification No. ECB/NOTIF-1/2015/2309 dated 15th of December 2015, the Draft Electoral Roll for the Thromdes of Thimphu, Phuentshogling and Gelegphu.


The Electoral Laws require the Draft Electoral Roll to be published for public inspection and verification by the voters before the issue of the Final Electoral Roll for any election.


It is to be reminded again that a voter will be able to cast his or her vote only if his or her name is included in the Electoral Roll. Therefore, it is important that the Electoral Roll is correct, up-to-date, inclusive and comprehensive with the list all eligible and registered voters with their correct details and photographs.


The Election Commission would like to urge every eligible voter to inspect the Draft Electoral Roll and ensure that your name is included and details are correctly reflected. Further, a voter may not only correct any inaccurate details but he/she also has the right to object to any wrongful entry of somebody else in the Electoral Roll.


The Draft Electoral Roll can be viewed in the respective Thromde Offices, Dzongkhag Electoral Office of Thimphu, Chhukha and Sarpang or Election Commission’s Head office in Kawangjangsa (Democracy House) or at the Election Commission’s website www.election-bhutan.org.bt.


Any Claims or Objections must be made to the respective Dzongkhag Electoral Offices from 15th to 25th of December 2015 in the prescribed Form which is available at the Election Commission Head Office; Dzongkhag Electoral Offices and the Election Commission website.



The Election Commission will publish the Final Electoral Roll upon due consideration and necessary incorporation of the Claims and Objections received on or before 25th of December 2015, the last date for making any Claim or Objection.


Media Unit
Election Commission of Bhutan