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Limited Quotation

The Election Commission of Bhutan would like to invite sealed tenders from the eligible bidders for the printing & supply of Posters, Banners & Placards as per the specifications & details mentioned in the Tender Document;

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Rate (Nu) Remarks
01 Posters 28” x 19” 80 Nos.
02 Banners 3m x 1m 2 Nos.
03 Placards A5 size 2400 Nos.


  1. All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked as “Quotation for Posters, Banners & Placards” to the Chief Administrative Officer, AFD, ECB latest by 6th of October 2016 before 12 AM and will be opened on the same day.
  2. The rate should be quoted as per the specification/quantity given above and will be selected based on the lowest evaluated bid.
  3. The validation of the rates will be for 12 months from the date of award letter.
  4. Tender documents should contain a photocopy of valid trade license issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  5. The tender should accompanied with a lump sum amount of Nu.10, 000/-(ten-thousand) only as the earnest money deposit (EMD) in the form of draft/cash warrant issued in favour of Chief Administrative Officer, AFD, ECB.
  6. The earnest money of Nu. 10,000/-(Ten-thousand) of the lowest evaluated bidder will be retained with the Commission as performance Security Deposit and will be returned  only after the delivery of goods mentioned in the supply order.
  7. Quotation without EMD and without sealed envelope will be rejected.
  8. ECB reserves every right to reject the bids if it is found not responsive to our terms and condition , and the decision of the tender committee will be final and binding

Tenders should be submitted before 12:00 AM on 6th of October, 2016 and it will be opened on the same day at 2:00 PM.

For further clarification,please contact the Procurement Section  at Tel-340227 during office hours.

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