Home > Notifications > Re-Elections in the Local Government Demkhongs where the highest number of votes received were equal (Tied)

Re-Elections in the Local Government Demkhongs where the highest number of votes received were equal (Tied)

The ElectionCommissionofBhutan,in pursuance to Section 463 of the Election Act of Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, hereby calls Re-Elections in the following 13 Demkhongs, where the results of the second phase of the Local Government Elections with polls on 27th of September 2016, were Tied.

Sl. No Dzongkhag Gewog Chiwog Name Sex Post
1 Chhukha Chapchha Bunakha PasangTshering M Tshogpa
Yanki F
2 Dagana Dorona Gewog Kamal DhojRai M Mangmi
SomBahadurRai M
Gesarling Tashithang KhargaBahadurSubba M Tshogpa
UgyenDorji M
Khebisa Thongmgang Sherpa F Tshogpa
Sonam Tashi M
Thromde Jigme Dorji M Thromde Ngotshab
PasangWangdi M
3 Monggar Shermuhoong Gangmoong KingaWangpo M Tshogpa
Sonam M
4 Pema Gatshel Khar Dorji Gyeltshen M Mangmi
TendriGyeltshen M
5 Punakha Goenshari Yorbo Phurba M Tshogpa
Thinley M
6 Sarpang Dekiling Nubgang Damber Singh Dahal M Tshogpa
Man Bdr. Karki M
7 Samdrup Jongkhar Samrang Kinga M Mangmi
PanjikaGurung F
8 Trashigang Radhi Pakaling Pema Tenzin M Tshogpa
Tshering Phuntsho M
9 Trongsa Thromde Karma Letho M Thromde Ngotshab
Tshering F
10 Tsirang Semjong Dangreygang BalBirRai M Tshogpa
Ganesh Kumar Jogi M
Total Re-elections to be conducted for the posts of 3 Mangmis, 8 Tshogpas and 2 ThromdeNgotshabs

The Re-poll for Tshogpa in Atola Chiwog of Thangrong Gewog, Monggar Dzongkhag, shall also be conducted on same Poll Day as the re-elections in the Demkhongs with tied results. 

The specific arrangements for the conduct of Re-Elections are as follows:

  1. Nomination papers and procedures of the last poll shall be taken as valid with no further filing of papers by Candidates to be required;
  1. Only the Tied Candidates will contest in the Polls;
  1. Concerned DzEOs shall be appointed as ROs to conduct the Re-elections in their respective Dzongkhags;
  1. A senior official from the concerned Dzongkhag shall be appointed as National Observer to observe and report on the conduct of the Re-Elections.
  1. The concerned ROs to immediately draw up the list of valid Postal Ballot applicants of the concerned Demkhongs and send the Postal Ballots. In case of ex-country postal voters or voters with addresses in or near Thimphu, their Postal Ballot in soft copy form to be sent to the ARO in the Head Office to post to the voters to save time.
  1. For the Re-Election for Tshogpa in Atola Chiwog of Thangrong Gewog, Monggar Dzongkhag where EVM could not be read on 27th of September 2016, the postal ballots will be valid and there is no need to repeat the postal ballot procedure as it was only the EVM that could not be read. 
  • Election Schedule
  1. The Schedule of Dates and time for the Re-Elections in the above Demkhongs shall be as follows:


Date and Time Remarks
5th of October 2016
-Issuance of Notification calling for Re-Elections
6th of October 2016
-ROs/ARO start sending postal Ballots to the valid Postal Ballot Applicants
-Commencement of Election Campaign
19th of October 2016
(Wednesday, 9 AM)
-End of Election Campaign
20th of October 2016
(Thursday, 5PM)
-Last date for receiving Postal Ballots by ROs
21st of October 2016
-Poll Day and Counting of Results
22nd of October 2016
-Declaration of Results
– Submission of the Results to the Druk Gyalpo
-Start of Election Petition period
25th of October 2016
-Issuance of the Certificate of Election
8th of November 2016
(Tuesday, 5PM)
-End of Election Petition Period
  • All other terms and conditions related to campaign, Code of Conduct, Roles and responsibilities of the officials on election duty and conduct of Poll remain as notified vide notification ECB/NOTIF-01/2016/193 dated 9th of August 2016, for the conduct of the Second Phase of Second Local Government Elections 2016.


 Issued on the Fourth Day of the Eighth Month of the Fire Male Monkey Year corresponding to the 5th of October 2016. 


Chief ElectionCommissioner of Bhutan


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