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Voter Education Programme

The Election Commission of Bhutan invites all members of the general public to the Open House Voter Education Programme to be held for the next 5 Tuesdays i.e on  24th of May 2016; 31st of May 2016; 7th of June 2016; 14th of June 2016 and 21st of June 2016 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in The Great Fourth Auditorium of Democracy House, Kawangjangsa, Thimphu.

The Open House is specially for the benefit of the Bhutanese voters residing in and around Thimphu who are not able to participate in the Voter Education Programme being conducted in every Chiwog of the 205 Gewogs to prepare and enthuse voters and aspiring Candidates to participate in the upcoming 2nd Local Government Elections.

It is an Open House event and all are free to attend any of the sessions without registration. Those who wish to know more may kindly contact Mr. Pema Gyeltshen at 02-334851/02-334852 during office hours.

Chief Election Commissioner
Election Commission of Bhutan