Home > Announcements > Second Phase of the Second Local Government Elections, 2016

Second Phase of the Second Local Government Elections, 2016

The Election Commission of Bhutan, under Section 196 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, hereby announces that the Notification calling electionsto the Local Governments in 205 gewogs of the twenty dzongkhags, 16 Dzongkhag Thromdes, 18 Dzongkhag Yenlag Thromdes will be issued on 7th of June 2016. Election will not be called in Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Thromde, DhosoomYenlag Thromde in Trashi Yangtse, Damji of Gasa Dzongkhag, Chagzam_Pam Chiwog of Samkhar Gewog of Trashigang Dzongkhag & Lhamoi Dzingkha Chiwog of  Lhamoi Dzingkha Gewog of  Dagana Dzongkhag where there are no registered voters currently.

All those wishing to contest the above elections are reminded to prepare the necessary documents as given here under which shall be required once the elections are called and the nomination process starts.

The required Nomination Papers include:

  1. Nomination Form;
  2. Asset Declaration;
  3. Affidavit/ Court Clearance;
  4. Tax Clearance Certificate;
  5. Audit Clearance Certificate;
  6. Security Clearance Certificate from RBP;
  7. FLT Certificate issued by ECB;
  8. Letter of Attestation issued by the Election Commission of Bhutan for his/her Formal University Degree; ( if contesting for the Post of Thrompon)
  9. Relieving order issued by Head of the Ministry/Department/Agency (if applicable);
  10. A declaration in the prescribed formthat he/she is not a member of a Political Party, or has resigned his/her membership at least a year ago in the manner specified in Section 206 (d) of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2008; and
  11. Marriage Certificate& CID Copy of spouse( If applicable)

Issued on the 10th Day of the Fourth Month of the Fire Male Monkey Year corresponding to 16thof May 2016.

By Order