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This is for kind information of the general public and in particular the concerned authorities such as the Dzongkhag Drangpons, Royal Audit Authority, Royal Bhutan Police, Returning Officers, Heads of Employing Agencies, Royal University of Bhutan, Tax Authority, and any other attesting entities and officials responsible to sign, issue, authenticate or verify documents, including Clearances and Affidavits, required for the nomination of Candidates and/or such other electoral works, that the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008 provide as follows:

560.  A person shall be guilty of making a false statement if he/she makes a statement or declaration in writing which is false and which he/she either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, in connection with:

(c) Any matter relating to the conduct of election.

561. Any person who contravenes the provisions of section 560 shall be guilty of the offence of felony of the fourth degree.

562. A person who attests an application or affidavit which he/she knows that he/she is not authorized to do so or knows that it contains a statement or declaration which is false shall be guilty of the offence of felony of the fourth degree.”

It is, therefore, very important to note that the correctness of the content of the documents being signed/vouched are ensured and it shall be the responsibility of the above named vouching and signing authorities singularly and collectively.

As such all issuing agencies and officials are once again reminded to exercise utmost diligence and care.

By Order,


(Kunzang Wangdi)

Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan

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