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Royal Civil Service Awards 2022

The Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) held the Annual Royal Civil Service Award ceremony today on December 13, 2022, for 3 recipients for their dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum:

  1. Lifetime Service Award was awarded to Mr. Phuntsho who joined the service in 1987;
  2. Gold Medal for 30 years of service was awarded to Mr. Tshetrim Zangpo who joined the service in 1992; and
  3. Bronze Medal for 10 years of service was awarded to Ms. Yeshey Wangmo who joined the service in 2012.

In accordance with His Majesty The King’s Command, to acknowledge the contribution of the Civil Service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum, the Royal Civil Service Commission instituted the Civil Service Award as an annual event.

The Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan congratulated the recipients on their well-deserved award and reminded them to continue their work with utmost dedication.

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