The Election Commission of Bhutan would like to remind the general public that Friday, the 20th of April 2018 is the Poll Day for National Council Elections 2018 in all the twenty Dzongkhags.
The Day is a Public Holiday and all offices and businesses are reminded to remain closed on the day. Employers are also hereby reminded that as per Section 338 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2008, any employee desiring leave of absence for travelling to Vote at their respective Polling Stations voting must be granted leave of reasonable period
The Hours of Polling shall be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Voters are reminded to bring their Voter Photo Identity Card (VPIC) to enable identity verification in the Polling Stations.
All registered voters are urged to come out to vote on 20th of April 2018 to ensure that you exercise your franchise and have your say.
Issued on the 2nd Day of Third Month of the Earth Male Dog Year corresponding to 17th of April 2018.
Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan