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Notification on full Organizational Independence

The Election Commission of Bhutan, towards effecting total organizational independence even at the Local Government Level, hereby notifies that the Offices of the Dzongkhag Election (DzEOs) shall operate its own accounts unit separate from the Dzongkhag Administrations as per the Resolution of the Fourth Conference of the Election Commission of Bhutan adopted in keeping with the provision of the Electoral Laws. Accordingly:


(1)   Each DzEO shall maintain separate accounts and be the Controlling and Disbursing Officer;

(2)   Each DzEO shall submit budgetary proposal and accounts through the ECB Head Office;

(3)   ECB shall requisition necessary accounting personnel from the National Finance Service on deputation to be posted  in the twenty Dzongkhags; and

(4)   All Personnel Actions of the Office of the DzEOs shall be handled by the Secretariat of the Election Commission of Bhutan as per the Election Commission of Bhutan Service Rules and Regulations 2015.

The Secretary of the Election Commission of Bhutan shall be responsible to oversee the smooth transition of this process.


This is issued as per the decision taken by the Election Commission of Bhutan on the 2nd Day of the Fifth Month of the Wood Female Sheep Year corresponding to 18th of June 2015 and shall come into effect from 1st of July 2015.




(Kunzang Wangdi)

Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan

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