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Notification on Campaign Blackout

The Election Commission of Bhutan would like to notify all Bhutanese media that the Polls for General Elections to the National Assembly will be on 13th of July 2013 starting from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


In the period starting from end of election campaigns till the close of Polls, there shall be no election campaigns conducted by political parties and candidates nor there shall be election campaign advertisements carried in any media as per Section 12.1 of the Media Coverage of Elections Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan which states that:

“No person or a political party or candidate shall, with the view or intent to promote or oppose a contesting political party or a candidate after campaign period ends and till the closure of poll, transmit election advertising or resort to election advertising or discuss a position on an issue by means of internet, SMS or any other medium.”


It is also to remind that there shall be no premature transmission of Election Results by any Person or Entity as per Section 13 of the Media Coverage of Elections Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan which states that:

“Any person who transmits results of voting in a Demkhong prior to the declaration of the results by the Commission shall be guilty of an offence punishable under the Election Act.”

Further, Section 14 of the Media Coverage of Elections Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan prohibits the broadcasting of public opinion survey results:

“14.1 No media agency, media functionaries or an individual shall release survey reports of public opinion on an election to the general public prior to closure of the poll.

“14.2           No media agency, media functionaries or an individual shall transmit any forecast or prediction relating to the probable result of an election based on the information provided by or obtained from voters or observers before the closure of the poll.”

Please note that no media agency shall broadcast anything that bears resemblance to election campaign, including the broadcast of the manifestos of dummy political on TV and print media, 48 hours prior to the Poll Day which shall be effective from 9.00 a.m. of 11th of July 2013. However, media agencies may continue with their news coverage on elections which shall not be constituted as broadcast resembling election campaign.

 Issued on 11th of July 2013 corresponding to 3rd Day of 6th Month of Water Female Snake Year of the Bhutanese Calendar.


By order.


(Kunzang Wangdi)

Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan


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