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Draft Delimitation Plan pertaining to Denchi, Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Thromde

The Delimitation Commission of Bhutan is pleased to hereby issue the Draft Delimitation Plan pertaining to Denchi, Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Thromde, with the allocation of number of the Dzongkhag Thromde Tshogpa Demkhongs and determination of the Demkhong boundaries carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008 and the Delimitation of Demkhongs Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2012. This is further to the receipt of the Approved Dzongkhag and Yenlag Thromde boundaries by 6th Session of the Second Parliament in the Joint Sitting on 26th November 2015.



As there are no registered voter population in Denchi Dzongkhag Thromde, the Proposed Plot Reconfiguration and the plotting thereof as prepared by the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement has been taken into consideration.



  1. The Public Hearing for the Draft Delimitation Plan of the Dzongkhag Thromde, Pema Gatshel will be carried out on 29th of January 2016 in Pema Gatshel MSS Hall starting at 9:00 am to provide adequate opportunity for any interested voters to attend and express their views which could be taken into consideration in the Final Delimitation Order.

  2. The general public, are invited to give their views and suggestions on the Draft Delimitation Plan at the Public Hearing or by mail, email or fax, with proper identification, to the Secretary, Election Commission of Bhutan, PO Box 2008, Kawajangsa, Thimphu, or email at dawaten@hotmail.com, or fax # 02-325733.

  3. All views and comments so received from the public will be deliberated and duly considered by the Delimitation Commission in its 28th Session on 8th of February 2016.

  4. The Parliamentary decision and declaration of the Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag Thromde at Denchi and the Dzongkhag Yenlag Thromdes of Paro Dzongkhag at Bueltikha, with 200 registered voter population, and for Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag at Nganglam, with 228 registered voter population, has changed the boundaries of 4 Gewogs and 5 Chiwogs of the two Dzongkhags. The maps showing the changed boundaries will be issued in due course of time.

Issued on the 7th Day of the 12th Month of the Female Sheep Year corresponding to 16th of January 2016.



(Chogyal Dago Rigdzin)
Chief Election Commissioner

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