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Delimitation Notification

In pursuance of Article 24(4) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, the Delimitation Commission of Bhutan is pleased to notify the general public that the 3rd Local Government Elections in 2021 (for the Thromde Tshogdes and the Gewog Tshogdes) shall be conducted as per the Delimitation Orders issued on
16th October 2010 and on 27th February 2011.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of Bhutan has, vide NyenthoCJB (21)2020/1608 dated 4 th December 2020, ordered to maintain the status quo on the delimitation of local government Demkhongs as per the delimitation orders of 2010 and 2011, respectively. The Delimitation Commission of Bhutan met on 10th February 2021 and endorsed the directives in the above cited Order.

Therefore, the 3 rd Local Government Elections in 2021 will be conducted as per the provisions prescribed during the 2 nd Local Government Elections in 2016.

Issued on the 5 th of the First Month of the Female Iron Ox Year corresponding to 16 th February 2021.

Chief Election Commissioner


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