Home > bye-election > Declaration of the Results of the Bye-Elections for Post of Gewog Tshogde Tshogpa in Pema Gatshel and Trongsa Dzongkhags.

Declaration of the Results of the Bye-Elections for Post of Gewog Tshogde Tshogpa in Pema Gatshel and Trongsa Dzongkhags.

The Election Commission of Bhutan is pleased to hereby declare, as required under Section 457 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, the Election Results of the Bye-Election for the Post ofGewog Tshogde Tshogpa in Pema Gatshel and Trongsa Dzongkhags with Polls held on 30th of September 2013.


It is also being notified that as per Section 580 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, a member elected to fill a casual vacancy shall only serve for the remainder of his/her predecessor’s term of office.

The general public is also advised that the Election Petition period starts from today, the 1st of October 2013 and shall end at 5 P.M on 15th of October 2013.


Click here to view the Final Result in detail.

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