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The Election Commission, noting the public concerns on the eligibility of the Candidates-Designate tendered by the Political Parties in their Letter of Intent, would like to inform the public that the Scrutiny of Candidates’ Nomination Papers by Returning Officers will be carried out strictly to ensure all requirements are fully met towards conduct of free and fair elections.

In doing so, it will give due consideration to the following strategy that are adopted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Electoral Laws:

  1. During the Primary Round, all official participation including as representatives of the Party will be confined to those persons who are registered members of the respective Parties and the Candidate-designate being featured in the signed list submitted by the Parties to ECB with the Letter of Intent; and
  2. After the Primary Round, a Candidate-designate may be allowed to be substituted by another registered member of a Political Party, if the Candidate-designate has died or is unable to contest due to physical incapacitation or Candidature is not accepted by the Returning Officers or cancellation of Candidature  due to violation of the Laws during the course of election campaigning or if a Party, under Section 209 (c) of the Election Act, decides to register and Nominate a Candidate from another Party that did not make it for the General Election with registration in original Party being forfeited.

In order to prevent any person or group from taking advantage of the busy election campaign period, the Election Commission has instructed all Election Officers in the field to implement only the written instructions and insist on production of written instruction of the Commission should any organization or individual desire any changes or deviations in electoral events and activities to be made by a Returning Officer.


Chief Election Commissioner

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